Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Unicorn

I lost my blue unicorn.
I left him grazing in the fields
And he disappeared.
I’ll pay handsomely
For any lead.
The flowers he left behind
Will not tell me a thing.

I lost my blue unicorn.
I don’t know if he ran away,
I don’t know if he went astray.
And I have
But one blue unicorn.
If anyone knows where he is
I beg you to tell me.
I’ll pay
a hundred thousand, a million.
For I lost my blue unicorn yesterday.
Now he’s gone

My unicorn and I
became friends,
partly through love,
partly through honesty.
With his indigo horn
he’d catch a song,
knowing how to share it
was his greatest joy.

I lost my blue unicorn.
It might seem
like an obsession,
yet I have
but one blue unicorn.
And even if I had two
he’s the one I love.
I’ll pay handsomely
for any lead.
For yesterday,
I lost my blue unicorn.
And now
he’s gone.

Silvio Rodriguez